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Fitform Extra Extended Leg Support

Fitform extra extended leg support

Product Code #FFEXTLEG

Prices From: £POA with VAT Relief

Do you wish you could rest your heels on the leg rest? This can be accomplished by using the extra-long leg rest. When this leg rest is activated, it automatically extends by approximately 8 cm.

The Fitform armchair's leg rest is long enough to fully support the lower leg as standard. In some cases, such as with orthopaedic footwear, it is preferable to also support the feet (including heels). The extra extended leg support is designed to keep your legs from being overstretched. Furthermore, if the seat height is changed, the 'normal' legrest remains size adjustable.

The extra extended leg rest is not visible in the neutral position of your armchair. The upholstery is conventional black plastic (Stamskin). If desired, the extra-long leg rest can be upholstered in the same fabric as your armchair.

Fitform Accessories

Google Review

1 year ago

Another great example of a good quality micro-scooter shop. They even lease them. I am very tempted.

Richard P.

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